Most of us, including children, have the habit of watching TV while eating, as is checking phones, watching laptops or other screens. While most of us don't really think twice about it, it has been discovered that such a habit does more harm than good. Studies have shown that we tend to eat more while watching TV as we don't pay attention to how much we are eating which would eventually lead to obesity. While watching TV, the brain sends wrong signals to the body and does not process the taste or satisfaction of the palette. Unhealthy eating tends to become a habit as we are unable to appreciate the food which we are eating if we concentrate more on watching TV. The rate of metabolism becomes lower while watching TV, thereby leading to slower digestion of food and the fat being burned slowly. Watching TV while eating leads to indigestion, as we are unable to process what we are eating and how much. This, in turn, leads to problems with digestion as our body is unable to properly digest the amount or the kind of food being eaten. In addition, there is no mind satisfaction, because if you try to perform two activities simultaneously you won't be able to enjoy either of them properly.

The conversation which families enjoy during meals will not take place, and there will be even less time for family bonding at this busy time and age. Certain tips which can be offered for kids to keep them away from the TV while eating: Firstly, one must try not to get distracted by TV, mobile or laptop; instead give them full attention so that they can understand mealtimes are for food only. If the child already has the habit and you want to wean them off it, make sure your child is hungry, but not starving at mealtimes. This means, to ensure that you do not allow their snack times to be too close to mealtimes. If he/she is comfortably hungry, he won't be bothered about TV. You can start weaning with foods he/she likes, that is one way they won't brag about their favorite show. Starting with smaller mealtimes, a 5-minute mealtime without TV and then end mealtime. If they are still fussing about it, you can always provide them a light snack later, but it should be done without TV. This would help break the association of children with the TV which they are having. Another thing to be kept in mind is to make sure the whole family does not watch TV while eating; children tend to learn habits mostly from their parents and peers. After all, if your child still fusses about it, you may consult a therapist for help.

It seems a difficult task at first, though keeping in mind about the close connections kids have with their favor. I won't say it's their fault completely, the senior people remain glued to their favorite Soap operas throughout the day one must be aware of the fact that we all have busy hours of work, study, research, etc. and it is important that one enjoys family meals and spend quality family time together, keeping in mind one vital point: mealtime is that time of the day which one gets, in 24 hours, to spend with family and bond i.e. sharing their whole day activity stories with one another, their moments of happiness and sorrow. Therefore please make the most of this special time, and not spoil it by watching TV for it not only destroys family bonding but can have a really bad effect on your health as well.
Author: Aparajita Chakraborty