The roadblock between willingness and action or let me rephrase it, the gap between the voyage of ideas from inception to execution is nothing but a strong yet elusive force of resistance. The inculcation of qualities like being receptive and introspective, aids in shedding light on this blind spot. The resistance that we have so subconsciously developed arises from our conditioning and inclination toward comfort zones. The perception and meaning of comfort zones are very relative but all share this core concept; that is the derivation of relaxation or pleasure with minimal resistance. I know it’s quite challenging to define such an abstract concept of resistance in one’s life but will try to present my opinion as a kind of definition, as I believe that, “to challenge is human and to err is human”. My version of the definition goes like this, “the degree of unwillingness to exercise conscious control over physical and mental parameters for the accomplishment of an impregnated idea can be termed as resistance.” The phase of resistance is a test of our endurance, choice, and determination. A certain degree of force, in turn, is required to push ourselves into the playground of action, perhaps I made my own meaning out of the famous and wisdom-filled phrase, “May the force be with you”, uttered by Obi-Wan Kenobi of star wars!!!

Feeling a sense of unpleasantness and the heat of force initially is an inevitable consequence. In a way by the application of the above mentioned force, we are trying to challenge the concept of rigidity, as I personally believe that valuable lessons in life can be learnt if we oblige to have a flexible perspective, because flexibility offers an ability to withstand the state of turmoil in one’s life which is in contrary to what rigidity can do. We can do this by incorporating the willingness to change and to move beyond or broaden the sphere of our comfort zone.
Once we develop the endurance and determination towards our choice via subjecting ourselves to a threshold of force, we enter a state of flow. “Flow” is a state where our action towards an idea becomes seamless and the level of engagement on a conscious and sub-conscious level gets enhanced. In a way, the state of “flow” can be considered a realm of creative expression…
Author: Yuvaraju Venkataramaraju